Extract Junk, Inject Living


If you’re fortunate to have been able to visit the National Museum of Woodcarving in Custer, SD at some point in its 45-year run, count yourselves as lucky ‘cause the popular attraction officially closed its doors in October of last year. The museum was built to house a unique collection of carvings and animated figures created by Dr. Niblack, a Denver chiropractor and inventor who died in 1966, as well as carvings by more than 50 other talented artists. Niblack’s work has been displayed at Disneyland and the Smithsonian Institute, and he’s particularly famous for his motorized dioramas depicting the harsh depression-era conditions of his childhood with both elegance and humor.

The purpose of this post is not to taunt readers, but to help get the word out that Dr. Niblack’s amazing collection is going to be sold in an online auction at 5:00PM MST on the 7th of March, 2017. I hope and pray that someone is able to buy and keep the collection intact so that it can once again find a home in a museum for the delight and enjoyment of generations to come. 

Please re-publish, re-tweet, or forward this posting to as many people as you can in the hopes the message will reach the right person or organization. The link for the auction information follows….



Greatest Museum You'll Never See